Under Law No. 3568 on Independent Accountancy, Independent Accountant Financial Advisory, and Sworn-in Financial Consultancy; we audit and certify the balance sheets and income statements of real and legal persons (companies, associations, and foundations, as well as their businesses and enterprises), declarations made in accordance with tax laws, their requests related to tax laws, and compliance with tax laws, other relevant regulations, and generally accepted accounting standards. The prepared certification reports are presented impartially for the benefit of relevant parties and official authorities. Tables certified by Sworn-in Financial Advisors and submitted to public institutions and organizations in accordance with the law are considered as documents examined by the state audit personnel within the scope of the certification. We also provide financial consulting services to clients who receive Full Audit services. Additionally, these companies benefit from our financial information service, where changes in financial regulations are announced, interpreted, and directed to our clients. Another service provided by our consultancy is the documentation of value-added tax and special consumption tax refund and offset processes.
Tasks performed within the scope of sworn-in financial consultancy include:
Other Certification Procedures